Saturday, April 25, 2009


note to self:
do not eat a pack of starbursts within a two hour span and then drink a vanilla latte. i feel a little sick.

the women's oasis conference was this weekend at Metro. i think it went really well. women got baptized in the Holy Spirit last night and this morning. this morning's message was about asking what God to do in every situation. John 2:5 says "to do what ever Jesus tells you to do." Mary is telling her servants this... to obey Jesus... and water was turned into wine. this made me think. i pray all the time asking for help in certain situations but i forget to sit and listen to the answer that God wants to give me. it was a great reminder that i needed to hear. i believe that i could have dealt with situations so much better this last year at school than i did.

i went to a dance recital with caroline tonight. it was so good to hang out with her. i love her. we saw some good dances. found some new songs i liked. Sleeping Beauty was great. we now want to start a modern dance group at church... i would have to re-take a dance class to refresh myself. but having a dance group would be so much fun even if it's just the two of us.

"no one else can satisfy my heart like Jesus, no one else can satisfy heart." this was sung in the prayer room in KC. i would love to go up there for a month and just sit in the prayer room for the entire time. "You bring restoration, to my soul." love listening to it!

observations of the day:
1. PDA in B&N is not appropriate
2. there is a such thing of a pink overload
3. i have realized that i want to work out more- i'm enjoying it more.
4. i don't like to be exhausted.... i get mean.
5. i really want to tie-dye again (pics are to come of my awesome tie-dye shirt)

prayer room #4

"Hallelujah, Jesus saved me
Now I'm free.

You are my great reward"

i'm glad that i logged on and this is what i see/hear on the prayer room webstream. all of the young people are dancing! i love it. Jay Thomas is leading worship. he is so good and anointed.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

skeleton bones

john mark mcmillan is seriously talented. i love his music. skeleton bones is in my head so i'm posting the lyrics from his blog. at the fresh fire conference and there was this guy selling shirts that have images representing passages from the bible. it's pretty awesome and the guy selling them was really cool. he had no idea that john mark mcmillan wrote "how he loves" because he has only heard jesus culture's version. they both have the best versions of that song. but here is skeleton bones...

enjoy the read:

Skeleton Bones

Peel back our ribs again
And stand inside of our chest
We just want to love you
We just want to love you yeah

Peel back the veil a time
Let us see you with our naked eyes
We just want to love you
We just want to love you yeah

Skeleton bones stand at the sound
Of eternity on
The lips of the found
Grave stones roll
to the rhythm of the sound of you
Skeleton bones stand at the sound
Of eternity on
The lips of the found
Yeah so separate those doors
Let the sun of resurrection in

Oh let us
Adore the son of glory
Dressed in love
Open up your gates
Before him
Crown him
Stand him up

We want your blood to flow inside our body and
We want your wind inside our lungs
We just want to love you
We just want to love you yeah
We want your blood to flow inside our body and
We want your wind inside our lungs
We just want to love you
We just want to love you yeah

Skeleton bones stand at the sound
Of eternity on
The lips of the found
Grave stones roll
To the rhythm of the sound of you
Skeleton bones stand at the sound
Of eternity on
The lips of the found
yeah so separate those doors
And let the sun of resurrection in

Oh let us
Adore the son of glory
Dressed in love
Open up your gates
Before him
Crown him
Stand him up

Everything that breaths
Everything that breaths
Everything that breaths

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

i got to see baby cooper tonight with heather. we cooked dinner and ate with amanda. we talked about weddings and engagement rings. it was fun even though i'm the one who does not have anyone "special" but i don't care. i had a great time with it.

After Dark was on Monday night. it was really good and something i really needed to hear. Joe White was the speaker and i have never heard anyone speak like he did. he talked to every college student like we were his child or grandchild. it was refreshing. i was reminded that my Daddy loves me and the way Joe spoke to us was all i needed to hear. NEEDTOBREATHE also came and played. they are really good. their songs are wonderful to listen to as well.

here are some pictures that i want to share with you:
the ring i want:it's a 1940's antique ring. it's pretty awesome and fairly cheap.

here is baby cooper:he's a little over 3 months now! he's gotten so big!


prayer room #4

Raise up friends of the Bride groom
who know your heart
Raise up friends of the Bride groom
who hear your voice

the prophets are coming
the prophets arise
the prophets are coming
now is the time

random thoughts

sometimes i wish i could be mean and still have people i am mean to see that i love Jesus. it doesn't work that way, which makes me not mean. i went to bed last night around 10:30 watching my favorite movie Beauty and the Beast (don't judge) and i get woken up to my neighbors upstairs at 2:30 this morning. they decided to have a small party or something with yelling and slamming the door. "hello! i can hear all of you!" i really wanted to go up there and tell them to shut up because i have to be up in three hours to go to work. but i didn't. i just asked God to make me fall asleep so i wouldn't get mad again and want go up there. they finally stopped making noise as i was falling asleep. i should have and i would have called our security guy at the gate if only i had the number to call. this is the second time that they have made such a racket that late in the night.

i get very amused watching girls walk into Tutwiler and walking "the walk of shame." sometimes it is funny but then it is really sad. the funny thing is seeing girls wearing the guy's clothes with their heels on because sometimes the girls really just fall asleep and nothing happens but the worse part is when you definitely know what happened the night before because of the way they walk in. another one that pretty much breaks my heart is when the girls come in and see a friend and the friend goes "did you spend the night?!" or if the girl who comes in and is proud of what she did and tells all of her friends. i see it on their faces and i can hear what they say. some of the girls do not know how to lower their voices when they talk to one another.

on a more interesting topic, i just read this article on recovery high schools. it discusses how teens who go through recovery are able to go to a real drug free school and receive a second chance of graduating high school. this interests me because there are some colleges who offer a recovery program school at their school. we had a huge discussion in my chemical dependency class on monday night. my teacher wants to propose the idea of having one to our school. not sure if it will work out but if it does i am all for it.

here is a blog from theCALL. Kris Edler discusses the Kings of the Earth. it's good. you should read it.

enough rambling.

Monday, April 13, 2009


there was a nasty storm last night. it's kind of funny because i never think storms are that bad when in reality they are. so maybe it's not that funny... i guess it could be that i know that God is going to protect me when i ask Him and i do that every time there is a storm, especially tornadoes. i always tell Him that my time is not over here on earth and that i still want to do His will and not my own.

so anyways, here are a few pictures from the storm last night. i work from 7-9am on Monday mornings and i have to park behind Tutwiler Hall so i won't get a parking ticket by the ticket nazi's on campus. that's what we call the ladies who give out tickets to those who do not park in the right "zone." a tree is blocking the street as you can see and it's on two cars. both cars will definitely need new windows and maybe a few other things. i feel so bad for the owners of the cars.

this year's Easter was different than they usually are. i think it's because more people focused on the last 24 hours of Jesus' life. it was really good to be reminded of what Jesus did for each of us. to really think that he died for me because i am worth it all just blows my mind away. i would never think that i would be worth someone's life. to think that we would "take a bullet" for someone, Jesus did in a matter of speaking. he actually went through something much worse and more painful than a bullet wound. when i let that sink into my heart and mind, i just want to cry and consistently say "Thank You!" it's so humbling.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Morning thoughts

i love laptops. they are so convenient. either sitting on the couch or laying in bed using it. it's so nice. i just watched the end of Cool Runnings. what a great movie.

my roommate tell me that i do not know the art of sleeping in. she can sleep for 12 hours or more and i can only sleep for 7-9 hours. it's kind of sad that i can't sleep more than that.

i really enjoyed waking up this morning feeling the presence of God. i love the peace He gives when i need it. He definitely knows me better than i know myself and he believes in me more than i believe in myself. He is so good! His love satisfies me more than anything. i'm ready to fulfill the calling he has for me. last night at UnAshamed, tyler spoke about the last 24 hours of Jesus' life on earth. it was really good. tyler described what Jesus went through to die for you and me. my heart was set free again last night by giving a burden, that i have been carrying all week, up to him.

i'm excited to go home this weekend and see some of my old friends that i haven't seen since christmas.

enough rambling now.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s Mosaic Maker-- use a 3x3 mosaic(
d. Save the image and post it on this note!

The Questions:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What is your favorite color?
4. Favorite drink?
5. Dream vacation?
6. Favorite Hobby?
7. What you want to be/do when you grow up?
8. What do you love most in life?
9. One word to describe you?

1. Ashley's blocks for block party!, 2. Women in Laos, 3. afilli yalnızlık, 4. Seminole State Park, Georgia, 5. View of Santorini, 6. "Strong coffee", 7. The Experiment, 8. fenced in., 9. distort

i didn't know how to get the pictures to show up... oh well.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

fresh fire conference 2009

so much to say but what should i share with you?

first things first: i just took a two hour nap and i am still not awake. i feel kind of sick actually. this weekend has been wonderful. Eddie James Ministry came to my church to kick off the first ever Fresh Fire Conference. a fresh fire anointing was definitely released among those who attended.

things that stuck out to me from the weekend:
1. really letting go of our attachments to the dead things on this earth.
2. prayer is the most important thing. everything comes down to prayer an communing with the Lord. this was a reminder.
3. worship the Lord with everything and not get distracted.
4. dancing for the Lord is a weapon against and we are going to war while we dance.

i really enjoyed the fellowship of this weekend. everyone from EJM were amazing and so friendly. it's because of Jesus Christ. they are such servants too. they helped when i didn't even ask for it. they wanted to help me, which is hard for me. i am so used to serving people and not get anything in return or receive help for it. they wanted to bless me by helping and they did. they are amazing.

there is a verse in 1 Corinthians 7 about the virgin should devote her body and soul to Jesus. it's been in my heart lately and i have been meditating on it for a couple of days and wondering what that really means. i know what the words mean but i want to see it and be totally secured in my walk with the Lord so when the guy i am supposed to be with will only lift me up and not distract me. i can't wait to see what happens with this.

off to bed and i will post more later.