Sunday, April 5, 2009

fresh fire conference 2009

so much to say but what should i share with you?

first things first: i just took a two hour nap and i am still not awake. i feel kind of sick actually. this weekend has been wonderful. Eddie James Ministry came to my church to kick off the first ever Fresh Fire Conference. a fresh fire anointing was definitely released among those who attended.

things that stuck out to me from the weekend:
1. really letting go of our attachments to the dead things on this earth.
2. prayer is the most important thing. everything comes down to prayer an communing with the Lord. this was a reminder.
3. worship the Lord with everything and not get distracted.
4. dancing for the Lord is a weapon against and we are going to war while we dance.

i really enjoyed the fellowship of this weekend. everyone from EJM were amazing and so friendly. it's because of Jesus Christ. they are such servants too. they helped when i didn't even ask for it. they wanted to help me, which is hard for me. i am so used to serving people and not get anything in return or receive help for it. they wanted to bless me by helping and they did. they are amazing.

there is a verse in 1 Corinthians 7 about the virgin should devote her body and soul to Jesus. it's been in my heart lately and i have been meditating on it for a couple of days and wondering what that really means. i know what the words mean but i want to see it and be totally secured in my walk with the Lord so when the guy i am supposed to be with will only lift me up and not distract me. i can't wait to see what happens with this.

off to bed and i will post more later.

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